Within the context of SEI Forum events, an event on the sustainable energy financing initiative took place in Athens, Greece, on May 31st 2018.

This event aimed to share best practices from Greece and Cyprus as well as further countries on how energy efficiency investments can be financed. This includes the use of private funds and innovative financing instruments, notably in the building and industry sectors. Speakers will focus on practical experiences in developing and structuring investment programmes and the event will allow time for debate.

The event was organised by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Greece and the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative. It is part of the Sustainable Energy Investment Forums initiative, funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme.

During the aforementioned event, PROSPECT Partner IEECP presented the PROSPECT project and its contribution to the promotion of innovative financing schemes concerning sustainable energy and climate action plans, fostering the engagement campaign of the 2nd Learning Cycle, as well as disseminating the progress achieved so far and the respective experience gained.

For more information about the event, please visit: https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/sei-forum-events/financing-energy-efficiency-greece-and-cyprus-2018-may-31_en